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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
r-MEG MEGHA +plants 5
ready roti +plants & cartoo 30
royal GEM +plants 30
s SANGEETA DUST TEA +plants 30
s SHINGAR +woman & plants 5
s SUNDER +plants 30
shandar +plants & square 24
sharir shudhi +plants & bow 5
shree GANESH TOOR +plants 31
shree PRASAD +plants & oval 30
plants 39
shree biotech +plants & ova 1
shree shree +plants 3
siddha yoga JEEVAN +plants 5
plants 29
plants 5
special SOMABHAI +plants 30
square & plants 25, 31
plants 31
sun book swords & plants 41
sun face & plants 30
super BABOOL +family plants 3
super MYCOZYME +plants 1
super dry ASAHI +plants 32
super tasty +plants 30
supergrip +plants container 1
svs VADI LAL +man & plants 30
the bombay +plants & square 24
the french loaf +plants ova 43
tree & plants 45
trident & plants 25
ub +bird plants oval & hors 32
unique COLLECTION +plants 35
vanaspati 2000 +plants 29
varun-09 +plants 31
vastra +plants & arrows 35
vastra SRISHTI +plants 25
woman & plants 35
woman man plants & square 36
wreath & plants 30
BLENDAX anti-plaque 3
MINERAL +plas 19
THAR plas gypsum plaster 19
CUMI plascast 19
GERRARD plasma systems 7
PED plasma EVOLUTION displa 9
S-plasma ION +circles 7, 9, 11, 12
SMART 3d plasma 9
plast AID 5
A plast +arrow 21
ACRO plast +square 19
AERO plast 17
AJAY plast 17
ALASI-plast 5
AP ASHA plast +oval 11
APPU plast +elephant 21
AQUIA plast 17
B.P. plast 17
BLOW plast bp 18
BLUE plast 9
CIPLA plast 21
DISHA plast 17
DITI plast 17
DONA plast 5
EDWARD plast india 35
FIXO plast 19
G.T.C. beauty natural plast 21
GHAR GHAR KA VADA r-plast 21
HI TECH plast 5
HNH plast 17
HYDRO-plast 17
JAY KAY plast 17
JHEEL plast (india) 17
JVP dd plast +hut & pipes 17
KGN-plast 17
KIRAN plast 17
LAB plast 25
LILLY plast 5
LUBE plast 17
MACO plast 19
MARCO MARCO plast 21
MASON plast +hut 19
METR 'O' plast +hut 19
MIJDI plast 17
MIJDL plast 17
MINI-plast 5
MP meta plast ENTERPRISE 18
NEHA poly plast 16
NK plast 17
ORI-plast 17
P plast (india) 17
PREETI plast 9
PRESTO plast 17
PYUSH plast 17
RAYBAND'S super plast 2
REAL plast 17
S-plast 17
SHANTI plast 17
SHIKHA-plast 9
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